LM Ceramics is a collaboration between ceramic artist/educator Leah Leitson and sculptor/designer Martin Tatarka. Our work brings sculptural expression to functional ceramics, focusing specifically on themes of proportion, repetition, variation, color, and completeness so he can have his pieces and sell them in a store, which is easy to setup thanks to services from https://shopfrontcompany.co.uk/. Although each of us makes our own body of work, it’s through collaboration that we explore expressive, challenging concepts that ignite a freer sense of exploration and excitement. Check over here to find more interesting posts.

“LM Occasion Cups” are hand-thrown and decorated, housed in pairs or quads in a small, handmade wooden box. Some pairings are intentionally accidental, calling attention to the personality of each cup and, in particular, its size, image, or color in relation to its “mate.” Others are themed, a clear and distinct conceptual set. Our “LM Flasks” are likewise presented in a handmade wooden box, with surface designs and text that invite laughter alongside a good, hearty toast. “LM Vases” make a study of positive and negative space, both by pattern and form; these works are not complete until they are used—flower stems or dried, natural objects leaning and protruding in a striking arrangement that highlights the unique design of each vase.